(This Chronology will be updated as new information is received, and it will be added in the proper sequence, bolded.)
2/12/16: Jefferson County Library announces via their website and Facebook a contest to pick an image of Jefferson County for 30,000 new library cards to be distributed in April.
2/17/16: Submission deadline ends, and the three finalists are announced (Zach Freund’s ‘Star Trail in the Mountains’ image, Charlie Casper’s ‘Red Rocks’ image, and Zach Freund’s ‘Flowers near Meyers Ranch’ image).
2/17/16: JeffCo citizen posts comment to ‘star trails’ Facebook image inquiring about the provenance of the image, during which the photographer responds with several assertions that cannot be proven, including citing a similar Milky Way image depicting Mt. Sopris as having been taken ‘near Aspen’. Photographer deletes all of his comments shortly thereafter, and citizen is left to see all his comments on the JeffCo Library Facebook page absent responses (not knowing his comments have actually been hidden from public view).
2/18/16: Jefferson County Public Library received the first direct notification of the fraudulent location of the ‘star trails’ image, including a link to the VisitGlenwood Instagram site, where the image is featured prominently (image has since been removed at the request of the photographer, but note that VisitGlenwood suggests that they may have gotten the image automatically through its #glenwoodsprings hashtag).
2/19/16*: Information addressing the VisitGlenwood site and certain comments made in public by the photographer are posted to Imgur (actual date of link unknown).
2/19/16: Jefferson County Public Library receives additional supporting information, including direct evidence (Google Earth Street View) of the photographer lying about the location of the nearly-identical ‘Mt. Sopris/Aspen’ photograph that resides on his Facebook page. (Photographer’s self-incriminating statement has since been deleted from his Facebook page).
2/19/16: One citizen receives response from JeffCo, stating that the County believes the photographer-in-question’s claims, suggesting that the citizen take it up with the photographer directly.
UPDATE 3/7/16: On 2/19/16, Jefferson County Public Library revealed in an email that the photographer signed some sort of legal document attesting to the origin of the image:
We shared your latest concerns with Xxxx, who certified to us that his star trails photo was taken in Conifer, Colorado. As a finalist, he is required to sign a legal contract attesting to the fact that the photo was taken within the boundaries of Jefferson County, Colorado, and he has complied. As he has met all of the contest requirements, we are now obligated to fulfill our end of the agreement.
UPDATE 3/11/16: On 2/19/16, it is confirmed that Jefferson County Public Library hastily drafts a ‘photo/contest release’ which their legal department insists upon being signed by the finalists.
2/19/16: Citizen responds to the Library with an additional email expressing disbelief of the Library’s lack of action. No response.
2/21/16: A JeffCo citizen questions the authenticity of the ‘star trail’ image (and provides VisitGlenwood link) in comments beneath it, County responds immediately about that they are ‘aware of the discrepancy’ and they have ‘photographer assurances’, then hides the comment from public view.
2/21/16: Contest voting deadline at midnight. Jefferson County Public Library is advised via email that they will be receiving unassailable proof as to the fraudulent nature of the winning image in the coming weeks. No response.
2/21/16: Two JeffCo citizens send separate emails to VisitGlenwood website inquiring as to the source of the ‘star trails’ image on their website, and whether photographer willingly submitted it. No response to one citizen, delayed response to the other (saying they ‘made a mistake in posting it’).
2/21/16: Facebook message sent to photographer by JeffCo citizen suggesting that he still has time to make the situation right before it gets out of hand.
2/22/16: JeffCo Public Library announces the ‘star trail’ image the winner of the contest.
2/22/16: JeffCo citizen receives anonymous response from photographer, rudely denying allegations and blatantly boasting about the ‘win’.
UPDATE 3/14/16: 2/22/16 (approx.): Jefferson County Public Library finally responds to a citizen who noted the VisitGlenwood problem; the Library shames the citizen by accusing him/her of being defamatory toward the photographer-in-question, and the Library expresses ‘shock and dismay at the level of animosity displayed by the community’. Under the circumstances, this is a questionable approach on the part of Library administrators.
2/26/16: Photographer in question posts a ‘response’ image to his Instagram account, to prove that a star-trail image can actually be captured from Conifer, CO. Citizen points out that the image indeed looks nothing like Glenwood Springs, including pine trees, hills characteristic of the Front Range, lights from many homes, and a prime example of the abundant light pollution that prevents the capturing of dark skies within Jefferson County. Citizen comments are quickly deleted.
3/4/16: Citizen of Jefferson County obtains direct, indisputable evidence as to the precise location of the ‘star trails’ image, captured in Garfield County 7 miles SSE of downtown Glenwood Springs, within one mile of the Spring Valley campus of Colorado Mountain College.
3/4/16: Citizen of Jefferson County immediately calls the Jefferson County Public Library directly, advises them of the undeniable proof obtained, and that it would be transmitted to them in short order; person who answers the phone accuses caller of ‘attacking’ the Library. No follow-up response via phone or email.
3/6/16: Email to Jefferson County Public Library attempting to convince them of the significance of their choice to ignore the rules of their own contest and selectively allow a fraudulent image to be featured on their library cards. No response.
3/7/16: citizen notes via email that the ‘star trails’ image is the only one of the three finalists to not have a location in the title; suggesting that perhaps the photographer has a conscience lurking down there, after all?
3/7/16: Final email to Jefferson County transmitting images, coordinates, and Google Earth location maps for the source of the fraudulent image. No response.
3/7/16: Re-purposing of the SOSforJeffCo.org website, originally utilized in the fight against the JeffCo Board Majority who were thrown out of office via recall election in 2015.
UPDATE 3/9/16: As the true location of the ‘star trails’ image has been precisely located, the location has been determined to be private property, behind “No Trespassing” and “Private drive” signs. Property owner provides confirmation that the private property was entered without consent.
3/9/16: Jefferson County Public Library finally publicly responds to the facts being posted, and instead of tryiing to refute claims by providing evidence to the contrary, chooses to do so by attempting to discredit one or more JeffCo citizens by painting them as ‘disgruntled contest losers’.