October 2, 2014: SOS For JeffCo Site Implementation

This site is dedicated to the next phase of the fight against the JeffCo BOE3, a far right faction of extremist conservatives (not allied with mainstream Republican nor Conservative groups) who are intent on destroying the Jefferson County Public Schools as we know them. 

Once this is over, the site will be re-purposed in the future as the need arises.

The Jefferson County School Board Meeting of 10/2/14 proved that  the BOE3 have a political agenda that they will enact regardless of the vast public opinion of teachers, parents, students and community.

Despite the media coverage suggesting that the BOE3 enacted a conciliatory proposal revision for the assessment of AP U.S. History curriculum that takes public concerns into account by allowing student/teacher input, the realities are far more complicated. Their political sleight-of-hand and steamrolling of the Board Minority enabled them to revise an existing Board Policy into one injected with politicized control over the outcome. A process that was once under objective District oversight in the background is now under subjective Board oversight in the foreground, and they have demonstrated that they will assert their ability to choose either the majority or minority opinion of said Committee, whichever suits their ideological agenda.

The students of Jefferson County School District will now surely lose their AP designation for US History curriculum.

The people of Jefferson County stand united as Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, as liberals, moderates and conservatives to collectively fight what amounts to the impending dismantling and subsequent rebuilding of our Public Schools, for both ideological (and financial) motives via the vile mechanisms of the BOE3 majority and the money that remains behind them in the shadows.

We shall overcome.

JeffCo insists upon finalists signing 'photo release' while contest voting still underway